Results for 'Xiao Kang Ni'

983 found
  1.  37
    Common and Specific Alterations of Amygdala Subregions in Major Depressive Disorder With and Without Anxiety: A Combined Structural and Resting-State Functional MRI Study.Yao Yao Li, Xiao Kang Ni, Ya Feng You, Yan hua Qing, Pei Rong Wang, Jia shu Yao, Ke Ming Ren, Lei Zhang, Zhi wei Liu, Tie jun Song, Jinhui Wang, Yu-Feng Zang, Yue di Shen & Wei Chen - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Anxious major depressive disorder is a common subtype of major depressive disorder; however, its unique neural mechanism is not well-understood currently. Using multimodal MRI data, this study examined common and specific alterations of amygdala subregions between patients with and without anxiety. No alterations were observed in the gray matter volume or intra-region functional integration in either patient group. Compared with the controls, both patient groups showed decreased functional connectivity between the left superficial amygdala and the left putamen, and between the (...)
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  2.  25
    Phenomenology and Logic.Ni Liang-Kang - 2004 - Modern Philosophy 4:011.
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  3.  16
    Use of Urban Residential Community Parks for Stress Management During the COVID-19 Lockdown Period in China.Ni Kang, Simon Bell, Catharine Ward Thompson, Mengmeng Zheng, Ziwei Xu & Ziwen Sun - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    During the pandemic lockdown period, residents had to stay at home and increased stress and other mental health problems have been associated with the lockdown period. Since most public parks were closed, community parks within gated residential areas became the most important green space in Chinese cities, and the use of such space might help to reduce the residents’ stress levels. This study aimed to investigate to what extent urban residents in China used community parks, engaged in outdoor activity during (...)
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  4.  18
    On the Naturalized Explanations of the Teleology of Ecosystem Development from the Framework of Thermodynamics.Junwei Ni & Xianjing Xiao - forthcoming - Erkenntnis.
    This paper aims to provide naturalized explanations for the goal-directedness of ecosystem development and its underlying causes within the framework of thermodynamics. While ecologists often use thermodynamic orientors to describe the directional trends of ecosystem development, they typically reject teleological interpretations, constrained by a narrow understanding of “goals” as intentional or mystical. We argue that ecosystems developing toward thermodynamic orientors through self-organization align with the naturalized definition of goal-directedness in system-property theory, demonstrating that such development can be considered goal-directed. Critically (...)
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  5.  57
    Morphological and Functional Differences between Athletes and Novices in Cortical Neuronal Networks.Xiao-Ying Tan, Yan-Ling Pi, Jue Wang, Xue-Pei Li, Lan-Lan Zhang, Wen Dai, Hua Zhu, Zhen Ni, Jian Zhang & Yin Wu - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  6.  85
    On the facilitative effects of face motion on face recognition and its development.Naiqi G. Xiao, Steve Perrotta, Paul C. Quinn, Zhe Wang, Yu-Hao P. Sun & Kang Lee - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  7.  20
    The fine structure levels and spin-singlet contributions to zero-field-splitting parameters of Cr2+ion in CdGa2S4.Tan Xiao-Ming, Kuang Xiao-Yu, Zhou Kang-Wei, Liu Zi-Jiang & Qu Yu-Qiang - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (10):1289-1295.
  8.  64
    Multiple Neural Networks Malfunction in Primary Blepharospasm: An Independent Components Analysis.Xiao-Feng Huang, Meng-Ru Zhu, Ping Shan, Chen-Hui Pei, Zhan-Hua Liang, Hui-Ling Zhou, Ming-Fei Ni, Yan-Wei Miao, Guo-Qing Xu, Bing-Wei Zhang & Ya-Yin Luo - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  9.  39
    Asian infants show preference for own-race but not other-race female faces: the role of infant caregiving arrangements.Shaoying Liu, Naiqi G. Xiao, Paul C. Quinn, Dandan Zhu, Liezhong Ge, Olivier Pascalis & Kang Lee - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  10.  29
    Young Children Selectively Hide the Truth About Sensitive Topics.Gail D. Heyman, Xiao Pan Ding, Genyue Fu, Fen Xu, Brian J. Compton & Kang Lee - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (3):e12824.
    Starting in early childhood, children are socialized to be honest. However, they are also expected to avoid telling the truth in sensitive situations if doing so could be seen as inappropriate or impolite. Across two studies (total N = 358), the reasoning of 3‐ to 5‐year‐old children in such a scenario was investigated by manipulating whether the information in question would be helpful to the recipient. The studies used a reverse rouge paradigm, in which a confederate with a highly salient (...)
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  11.  51
    The Fusiform Face Area Plays a Greater Role in Holistic Processing for Own-Race Faces Than Other-Race Faces.Guifei Zhou, Jiangang Liu, Naiqi G. Xiao, Si Jia Wu, Hong Li & Kang Lee - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  12.  33
    (2 other versions)Corrigendum: The Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 in Chinese Hospital Workers: Reliability, Latent Structure, and Measurement Invariance Across Genders.Li-Chen Jiang, Ya-jun Yan, Zhi-Shuai Jin, Mu-Li Hu, Ling Wang, Yu Song, Na-Ni Li, Jun Su, Da-Xing Wu & Tao Xiao - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  13.  8
    Xian Qin xiao dao yan jiu.Xuewei Kang - 1992 - Taibei Shi: Wen jin chu ban she.
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  14.  65
    Own-Group Face Recognition Bias: The Effects of Location and Reputation.Linlin Yan, Zhe Wang, Jianling Huang, Yu-Hao P. Sun, Rebecca A. Judges, Naiqi G. Xiao & Kang Lee - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  15.  31
    Psychometric Properties of a Simplified Chinese Version of the Secondary Trauma Questionnaire in a Potentially Traumatized Study Sample.Ya-jun Yan, Lichen Jiang, Mu-li Hu, Ling Wang, Xin Xu, Zhi-Shuai Jin, Yu Song, Zhang-xiu Lu, You-Qiao Chen, Na-ni Li, Jun Su, da-Xing Wu & Tao Xiao - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  16.  19
    Gong tian xia yu jia tian xia: da tong, xiao kang yu ru jia de she hui li xiang = Gongtianxia yu jiatianxia: datong, xiaokang yu rujia de shehuilixiang.Chunsong Gan - 2022 - Chengdu Shi: Sichuan ren min chu ban she.
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  17. Ni xue xiao ji xu lu.You Shixi - 2020 - In Shixi You, Jianfeng Zou, Xu Li & Konghui Mu, Bei fang Wang men ji. Shanghai: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she.
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  18. Ni xue xiao ji.You Shixi - 2020 - In Shixi You, Jianfeng Zou, Xu Li & Konghui Mu, Bei fang Wang men ji. Shanghai: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she.
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  19. Ni xue xiao ji fu lu.You Shixi - 2020 - In Shixi You, Jianfeng Zou, Xu Li & Konghui Mu, Bei fang Wang men ji. Shanghai: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she.
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  20.  10
    Ren sheng xiao ji: yu Li Zehou de xu ni dui hua.Qunlin Ma - 2022 - Xianggang: San lian shu dian (Xianggang) you xian gong si.
    本書可視為哲學大師李澤厚先生的學術自傳。編撰者馬群林乃李澤厚先生晚年交往最密切的友人之一,馬先生耗費十餘年時間,從李澤厚先生的論著、文章及書信中輯錄出有關內容,經過重新整理、編排和撰寫,并先後三次經李 澤厚審閱及修訂,最終成就該書。全書以一問一答的對話形式呈現,鮮明直接,淺白易懂,能幫助大眾讀者(尤其是青年學生)了解李澤厚先生的學術生涯和思想體系。書中還收入部份首次公開出版的珍貴照片,如馮友蘭、胡繩 、錢??、余英時等人致李澤厚的信函等,彌足珍貴。.
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  21.  20
    Justice Not Greed.Richard A. Hoehn - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (2):208-209.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Justice Not GreedRichard A. HoehnJustice Not Greed Edited by Pamela Brubaker and Rogate Mshana Geneva: WCC Publications, 2010. 224 pp. $14.00The World Council of Churches (WCC) Advisory Group on Economic Matters (AGEM) advises the WCC and congregations on global economic issues. AGEM members from diverse backgrounds produced the papers in this volume. The introduction is by Rogate Mshana, WCC director for Peace, Justice, and Creation. Samuel Kobia, general (...)
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  22.  17
    Jing jie, si wei, yu yan: Wei Jin xuan li yan jiu.Guizhen Lu - 2010 - Taibei Shi: Guo li Taiwan da xue chu ban zhong xin.
    Wei Jin xuan xue jia de xuan lun, ru jin zhi zai zhi ben wen ju jian. Dan bing bu jing mo, na xie xuan lun zong shi dui du zhe zhan xian qi zi ji. Wei Jin zhi shi, xuan xiao rao rang, xuan si zhe huo sa tuo fang da, huo yi yu shen yin, ru he zai xian shi jian yi wei, shun ni shi Wei Jin xuan yin zhong zui shen ke de di yun. Zuo (...)
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  23.  45
    Examining the relationship between skilled music training and attention.Xiao Wang, Lynn Ossher & Patricia A. Reuter-Lorenz - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 36:169-179.
  24.  53
    The Effect of Implicit–Explicit Followership Congruence on Benevolent Leadership: Evidence from Chinese Family Firms.Xiao Wang & Jian Peng - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  25.  77
    Exact Expression for Radiation of an Accelerated Charge in Classical Electrodynamics.Young-Sea Huang & Kang-Hao Lu - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (2):151-159.
    The present expression of radiation of an accelerated point charge is only approximately valid. The exact expression of radiation of an accelerated point charge is derived based on special relativity, and using the Larmor formulation for the radiation of an charged particle being accelerated, but instantaneously at rest. The totaled radiation power obtained by the exact expression is the same as Liénard’s generalization of the Larmor formula.
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  26. Seek and You Will Find It; Let Go and You Will Lose It: Exploring a Confucian Approach to Human Dignity.Peimin Ni - 2014 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 13 (2):173-198.
    While the concept of Menschenwürde (universal human dignity) has served as the foundation for human rights, it is absent in the Confucian tradition. However, this does not mean that Confucianism has no resources for a broadly construed notion of human dignity. Beginning with two underlying dilemmas in the notion of Menschenwürde and explaining how Confucianism is able to avoid them, this essay articulates numerous unique features of a Confucian account of human dignity, and shows that the Confucian account goes beyond (...)
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  27.  55
    Arithmetic operation and working memory: differential suppression in dual tasks.Kyoung-Min Lee & So-Young Kang - 2002 - Cognition 83 (3):B63-B68.
  28.  42
    Resource Depletion Perspective on the Link Between Abusive Supervision and Safety Behaviors.Xiao Yuan, Yaoshan Xu & Yongjuan Li - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (1):213-228.
    Leader behavior significantly influences employees’ safety performance. This study aimed to examine the effect of abusive supervision on the safety behaviors of subordinates. By drawing on the strength model of self-control, we predicted that abusive supervision would negatively affect safety behaviors through emotional exhaustion, and trait self-control and attentional bias toward safety would moderate the relationship between abusive supervision, emotional exhaustion, and safety behaviors. Our hypothesized model was supported by results from a sample of 159 workers at a chemical product (...)
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  29.  71
    The Dynamic Features of Lip Corners in Genuine and Posed Smiles.Hui Guo, Xiao-Hui Zhang, Jun Liang & Wen-Jing Yan - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:310840.
    The smile is a frequently expressed facial expression that typically conveys a positive emotional state and friendly intent. However, human beings have also learned how to fake smiles, typically by controlling the mouth to provide a genuine-looking expression. This is often accompanied by inaccuracies that can allow others to determine that the smile is false. Mouth movement is one of the most striking features of the smile, yet our understanding of its dynamic elements is still limited. The present study analyzes (...)
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  30.  69
    The Dissolved Oxygen Prediction Method Based on Neural Network.Zhong Xiao, Lingxi Peng, Yi Chen, Haohuai Liu, Jiaqing Wang & Yangang Nie - 2017 - Complexity:1-6.
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  31.  27
    Founder Management and Innovation: An Empirical Analysis Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior and Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis.Chun-Ai Ma, Rong Xiao, Heng-Yu Chang & Guang-Rui Song - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Based on the expanded theory of planned behavior, this study first explores the configuration relationship between founder management and innovation by using the fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis. Based on the theory of planned behavior, this study divides the behavior intention of founders into three categories: Attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavior control. Using fsQCA, we found that there are two ways to achieve high innovation input of enterprises. In combination with the two ways, the factors such as male and highly (...)
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  32.  30
    Editorial: Reading in the Digital Age: The Impact of Using Digital Devices on Children's Reading, Writing and Thinking Skills.Wai Ting Siok & Kang Kwong Luke - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  33.  30
    A Lotmanian semiotic interpretation of cultural memory in ritual.Hongbing Yu & Cheng Kang - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (245):157-173.
    This paper affords a Lotmanian cultural semiotic analysis of the inner workings of ritual embodying the mechanism of cultural memory. In this intersectional study, we propose treating ritual as an integral semiotic system in which the community follows a prescribed collective process to create religious or social meanings and to regulate the mechanism of cultural memory through concrete symbols in the forms of behavior, speech, gestures, objects, spatial structures, and so on. Three semiotic properties of ritual in relation to cultural (...)
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  34.  8
    Xin bian Makesi zhu yi zhe xue gang yao.Changwen Zhang & Guanli Xiao (eds.) - 1989 - Guiyang Shi: Guizhou ren min chu ban she.
  35.  26
    Quantifying the Robustness of Countries’ Competitiveness by Network-Based Methods.Ming-Yang Zhou, Xiao-Yu Li, Wen-Man Xiong & Hao Liao - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-10.
    In economic researches, much effort was devoted to the problem of how to increase the economics of countries. However, the development of a country may fluctuate a lot due to international and domestic problems. Thus, we should also evaluate the robustness of countries against unexpected economic recessions. In this paper, we use perturbation to quantify the robustness of countries using two renowned algorithms: method of reflections and fitness-complexity method. The robustness characterizes the stability of countries’ competitiveness against economic recessions. The (...)
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  36.  88
    Cultural effect on perspective taking in Chinese–English bilinguals.Kevin K. S. Luk, Wen S. Xiao & Him Cheung - 2012 - Cognition 124 (3):350-355.
    Some recent evidence has suggested that perspective taking skills in everyday life situations may differ across cultural groups. In the present study, we investigated this effect via culture priming in a group of Chinese-English bilingual adults in the context of a communication game. Results showed that the participants made more perspective taking errors when interpreting the game instruction under the Western than the Chinese primes. The findings suggest that the ability to assume others' mental states not only can be used (...)
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  37. The Confucian Account of Freedom.Peimin Ni - 2002 - In Xinyan Jiang, The examined life: Chinese perspectives: essays on Chinese ethical traditions. Binghamton, N.Y.: Global Publications, Binghamton University. pp. 119-139.
  38.  61
    Semantic priming revealed by mouse movement trajectories.Kunchen Xiao & Takashi Yamauchi - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 27:42-52.
  39.  76
    Recognizing bioethical issues and ethical qualification in nursing students and faculty in South Korea.Kwisoon Choe, Eunju Song & Youngmi Kang - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (2):0969733012472734.
    The role of nursing faculty members in charge of ethics education is important. Although all nursing students receive the same bioethics education, their experiences differ, related to ethical qualification, which depends on the personal socialization process. This Korean study aimed to provide nursing faculty members with the basic data to help them develop as bioethics experts and provide nursing students with knowledge to improve their ethical decision-making abilities. We used a survey design to assess recognition of bioethical issues and ethical (...)
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  40.  5
    Aḥmad ʻAbd al-Ḥalīm ʻAṭīyah: mufakkiran ʻArabīyan muʻāṣiran.Zuhayr Midnīnī (ed.) - 2018 - al-Qāhirah: Majāz lil-Tarjamah wa-al-Nashr.
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  41.  9
    Siyāsat al-maʻmūrah fī falsafat al-Fārābī: min ajl iʻādat qirāʼat al-kūsmūsiyāsī.Zuhayr Midnīnī - 2017 - al-Jazāʼir: Ibn Nadīm lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
  42.  24
    Fire spreading across boundaries: The positive spillover of entrepreneurial passion to family and community domains.Xiong-Hui Xiao & Hui Fu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Passion plays a crucial role in entrepreneurial activity, while its positive spillover to the family and community domains is scant. We proposed an integrated enrichment framework of “work-family-community” based on the literature in the field. Drawing upon the matching samples of entrepreneurs' individuals, families, and communities in the China Labor-force Dynamics Survey database, we identified a significant positive spillover effect into the family and community domains and explored the moderating role of the entrepreneur's perceived personal control. The empirical results indicate (...)
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  43.  7
    Wen Kong.Shi Hu & Xiao Zhu (eds.) - 2012 - Haikou Shi: Hainan chu ban she.
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  44.  69
    Workplace Dignity in a Total Institution: Examining the Experiences of Foxconn’s Migrant Workforce. [REVIEW]Kristen Lucas, Dongjing Kang & Zhou Li - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 114 (1):91-106.
    In 2010, a cluster of suicides at the electronics manufacturing giant Foxconn Technology Group sparked worldwide outcry about working conditions at its factories in China. Within a few short months, 14 young migrant workers jumped to their deaths from buildings on the Foxconn campus, an all-encompassing compound where they had worked, eaten, and slept. Even though the language of workplace dignity was invoked in official responses from Foxconn and its business partner Apple, neither of these parties directly examined workers’ dignity (...)
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  45.  19
    Somatic hypermutation of antibody genes: a hot spot warms up.David A. Jans, Chong-Yun Xiao & Mark H. C. Lam - 1998 - Bioessays 20 (3):227-234.
    In the course of an immune response, antibodies undergo affinity maturation in order to increase their efficiency in neutralizing foreign invaders. Affinity maturation occurs by the introduction of multiple point mutations in the variable region gene that encodes the antigen binding site. This somatic hypermutation is restricted to immunoglobulin genes and occurs at very high rates. The precise molecular basis of this process remains obscure. However, recent studies using a variety of in vivo and in vitro systems have revealed important (...)
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  46.  62
    An Improved MOEA/D Based on Reference Distance for Software Project Portfolio Optimization.Jing Xiao, Jing-Jing Li, Xi-Xi Hong, Min-Mei Huang, Xiao-Min Hu, Yong Tang & Chang-Qin Huang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-16.
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  47.  41
    Improving socially constructed cross‐cultural communication in aged care homes: A critical perspective.Lily Dongxia Xiao, Eileen Willis, Ann Harrington, David Gillham, Anita De Bellis, Wendy Morey & Lesley Jeffers - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (1):e12208.
    Cultural diversity between residents and staff is significant in aged care homes in many developed nations in the context of international migration. This diversity can be a challenge to achieving effective cross‐cultural communication. The aim of this study was to critically examine how staff and residents initiated effective cross‐cultural communication and social cohesion that enabled positive changes to occur. A critical hermeneutic analysis underpinned by Giddens’ Structuration Theory was applied to the study. Data were collected by interviews with residents or (...)
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  48.  16
    Servant Leadership and Creativity: A Study of the Sequential Mediating Roles of Psychological Safety and Employee Well-Being.Wenxian Wang, Seung-Wan Kang & Suk Bong Choi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    With today’s increasingly dynamic and competitive business environment, creativity is critical for enterprises to enhance their competitiveness. Companies today invest and seek new ways to enhance creativity of employees within the organization. Our study describes the effects of servant leadership, psychological safety, and employee well-being on creativity under the conservation of resources theory. We used a sample of 252 full-time employees in the United Kingdom who had been recruited online and collected their data for analysis. We conducted confirmatory factor analyses (...)
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  49.  54
    When political philosophy meets moral psychology: Expressivism in the Mencius.Xiao Yang - 2006 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 5 (2):257-271.
  50.  18
    Musical Training in the Development of Empathy and Prosocial Behaviors.Xiao Wu & Xuejing Lu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Music not only regulates mood but also promotes the development and maintenance of empathy and social understanding. Since empathy is crucial for well-being and indispensable in social life, it is necessary to develop strategies to improve empathy and prosocial behaviors. To fulfill this aim, researchers have extensively investigated the effect of intensive musical training on the development of empathy. Here, we first summarize evidence showing the powerful influence of musical training on the development of empathy and then discuss psychological mechanisms (...)
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